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![]() His letter of protest to the Prime Minister Esteemed Mr. Prime Minister, The great historical responsibility we share at present with the Government, our unchanged fidelity to its policy and to the regime, as well as our desire to collaborate towards its achievement, give us the courage to address you, hoping for consideration on your part of the sincerity and good will of our action. Some measures taken by the authorities show their intention to take new steps against persons of Jewish origin. Missing are explanations from responsible circles on the nature of these steps, on what basis they are taken, and their motivation and scope. In a conversation with certain deputies, the Minister of the lnterior confirmed that there was no reason to take any exceptional measures against the Jews from the old territory. In fact, such measures were cancelled. Taking all this into consideration and in view of new rumours, we have decided to appeal to you. Such new measures could be taken only by the Council of Ministers. Our only request is that you take into consideration only those rneasures of real interest to the State and Nation, we couldn't contest any measures taken by the Government to insure security. We know that anyone who tries to obstruct the Govemment's efforts, directly or indirectly, should be disarmed. The elimination of any obstacles to the success of the States policy is the duty of the Government, but there is a limit to real necessities, and one should not fall into excesses that qualify as unnecessary cruelty! lt is hard for us to admit plans for sending these people outside Bulgaria, as some ill-minded rumours are circulating and blaming the Government. Such measures are unthinkable, not only because these people - Bulgarian citizens - could not be expelled from Bulgaria, but also because this could cause serious consequences to the country. "The forehead of the nation" would be marred by a stain which would always be a moral and political burden, depriving Bulgaria of all good arguments in its foreign relations. Small nations couldn't ignore these arguments, which serve as powerful weapons. or us, all that is happening is of special significance. The smali number of Jews in Bulgaria, the strength of our own State, with so many legal tools, makes the elimination of any dangerous elements easy. This releases us from the use of exceptional and distressing measures that could be taken for genocide and would not only expose the Government, but affect the whole nation. The consequences of such a policy can already be foreseen and we cannot share any responsibility for it. Legal order is as necessary to government as is fresh air for breathing. The honor of Bulgaria is not only a matte of feelings but also of policy of the highest significance, and it must not be jeopardized without good reasons approved by the whole nation. We beg you, Mr. Prime Minister, to accept our deep esteem. Sofia, March 17th 1943 1 - Dimitur Atanassov Arnaoudov 2 - Kiril Kostadinov Arnaoudov 3 - Gheorghi Pop Stefanov Dobrev 4 - Dr. Ivan Beshkov Dounov 5 - Dr. Nikola lvanov Dourov 6 - Nikola lvanov Gradev 7 - Alexandur Simov Guigov 8 - Ignat lliev Haidutov 9 - Simon Kirov Halatchev 10 - Dimitur Nilolov lkonomov 11 - Danail Jetchev Kunev 12 - Stefan Atanassov Karaivanov 13 - Gheorghi Petrov Kenderov 14 - Dr. Petur Ivanov Kiosseivanov 15 - Todor Pavlov Kojouharov 16 - Alexandur Gatev Krustev 17 - Gheorghi Todorov Krustev 18 - Andro Hristov Louilchev 19 - Philip Dimitrov Mahmoudjiev 20 - Roussi lvanov Marinov 21 - Petur Gheorghiev Mihalev 22 - Dr. Nikola Petrov Nikolaev 23 - Gheorghi Mikov Ninov 24 - Dontcho Dimov Ouzunov 25 - Dimitar Yossivov Peshev 26 - Sirko Stanchev Petkov 27 - lvan Vassilev Petrov 28 - Petur Markov Hadji Petrov 29 - Dr. Gheorghi Rafailov Popov 30 - Spas Marinov Popovski 31 - Ilia Dimitrov Slavkov 32 - Panayot Todorov Stankov 33 - Stefan Stoyanov Statelov 34 - Tasko Stoitchev Stoilkov 35 - Gheorghi Zelezov Svinarov 36 - Hristo Stoyanov Touhaktchiev 37 - Marin lvanov Tiutiundjiev 38 - Prof. Alexandur Tzalov Tzankov 39 - Nikola lvanov Vassilev 40 - Dr. lvan Kirov Vazov 41 - Vassil Hristov Veltchev 42 - Dr. lvan Kotzev Yotov from: Christo Boyadjieff, Saving the Bulgarian Jews in World War II, Ottawa (Free Bulgarian Center) 1989, p. 86-88. back to the story |
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