Dimitar Peshev

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The National Assembly
of the Republic of Bulgaria

Sofia, October 20th 1998

Dear Mr Nissim

I am pleased to tell you that the National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria, and its Chairman, Yordan Sokolov, in person, have been deeply impressed and moved by your book dedicated to the illustrious Bulgarian parliamentarian Dimitar Peshev.

It is consequently our intention to purchase your copyright on the book. Since the National Assembly has its own publishing department, we shall obviously also cover all the costs of its publication in Bulgarian.

We see the publication of this outstanding work as a moral duty in memory of Dimitar Peshev, and the National Assembly will appreciate your agreement to the initiative.

Should you accept to transfer the copyright to the publishing department of the National Assembly, we will contact you to arrange all the details.

In February 1999 official celebrations will be held to mark the 120th anniversary of the establishment of the Bulgarian National Assembly. We are pleased to invite you to these celebrations, for the presentation of your book.

Valentin Guerguiev
Valentin Guerguiev

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